The Turbulent Journey of Go First and the Stranded Engine Lessors

Abhishek Nayar

15 May 2024

The aviation industry, often a symbol of freedom and connectivity, is witnessing a saga of turbulence as Go First, formerly known as GoAir, grapples with insolvency proceedings. Amidst legal battles, creditor dilemmas, and regulatory interventions, the plight of engine lessors has taken center stage, underscoring the complexities within the sector.

Aircraft Deregistration Dilemma and Engine Lessors' Plea

The recent deferment by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) of Go First's insolvency case has exacerbated the woes of engine lessors. The tribunal's decision to postpone the hearing until July 11th stems from the need to dissect the ramifications of the Delhi High Court's directive to deregister all 54 aircraft leased to Go First by May 3, 2024.

Engine lessors find themselves in a precarious position, advocating for the deregistration of engines connected to the now-deregistered aircraft. Their argument hinges on the potential need for these engines to leave the country post-deregistration. This demand underscores the intricate web of legalities surrounding asset ownership and reclamation in aviation insolvency cases.

Resolution Professional's Conundrum

Amidst the legal quagmire, Go First's Resolution Professional faces mounting pressure. With the DGCA's compliance with the Delhi High Court order and the subsequent deregistration of aircraft, questions loom over the jurisdiction and efficacy of the resolution process. The lack of clarity regarding the future course of action only adds to the uncertainty looming over the airline's fate.

Looming Liquidation and Chronicle of Legal Battles

Speculations surrounding Go First's inevitable liquidation gain traction, fueled by reports indicating the airline's reluctance to challenge the Delhi High Court order. Lenders, resigned to the grim reality, foresee losses exacerbated by diminished asset values resulting from prolonged litigation and operational stagnation.

The genesis of Go First's insolvency saga dates back to May last year, triggering a protracted legal tussle involving lessors, lenders, and the resolution professional. The Delhi High Court's intervention in April this year, ordering the deregistration of leased planes, provided a glimmer of hope to lessors embroiled in a battle for asset repossession.

Regulatory Dynamics and Extensions

The saga unfolds against a backdrop of regulatory dynamics and extensions granted by the NCLT. While the Ministry of Corporate Affairs exempted aircraft-related arrangements from insolvency moratoriums, the NCLT granted extensions to Go First's insolvency process, offering temporary reprieves amidst the quagmire of legal entanglements.


The saga of Go First encapsulates the multifaceted challenges inherent in aviation insolvency proceedings. As stakeholders navigate through legal mazes, the plight of engine lessors serves as a poignant reminder of the intricate interplay between regulatory interventions, creditor dilemmas, and operational exigencies within the aviation industry. As the industry braces for further developments, the resolution of Go First's insolvency remains shrouded in uncertainty, emblematic of the turbulence gripping the skies.

With Inputs from Business Standard

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Can the Merger of Air India and Vistara Create a Dominant Airline Force?

Abhishek Nayar

15 May 2024

The impending merger of Air India and Vistara, two prominent names in the Indian aviation industry, has sparked curiosity and anticipation. As the Tata Group-owned airlines progress towards consolidation, the spotlight shines on the potential implications for employees, customers, and the aviation sector at large.

Assessment and Fitment Process

More than 7,000 employees from Air India and Vistara have undergone assessment for fitment into the merged entity. Led by CEOs Campbell Wilson and Vinod Kannan, a comprehensive townhall meeting provided insights into the merger's progress. By June, the fitment process is set to be completed, ensuring clarity on roles and responsibilities for the combined workforce.

Integration Strategy, Vision and Expansion Plans

With 23,500 employees collectively, seamless integration is paramount. The movement of staff between the two carriers through secondment aims for optimal resource allocation. Transparency is emphasized, with an organization structure finalized in consultation with global experts, ensuring fairness in employee placement.

The merger aligns with broader visions for fleet expansion, network growth, and enhanced service offerings. Leveraging insights from the global airline industry, the merged entity aims for competitive positioning. Customers are promised increased options and a robust route network spanning worldwide destinations.

Employee Benefits and Growth Opportunities

Employees stand to benefit from the merger's synergies, with promises of accelerated growth and a stable financial foundation. As part of the Air India Group, opportunities for career advancement and development are envisioned, underlining the merger's potential as a catalyst for professional growth.

Regulatory Approvals and Milestones

While regulatory approvals remain pending, significant milestones have been achieved. Approval from Singapore's competition regulator and India's Competition Commission signal progress. Tata Group's takeover of Air India in 2022 set the stage for this transformative merger, positioning the conglomerate as a dominant player in the aviation sector.


The merger of Air India and Vistara represents more than just a consolidation of resources; it symbolizes a strategic move towards strengthening India's aviation landscape. With a clear vision, meticulous planning, and a focus on stakeholder welfare, the merged entity aims to soar to new heights, potentially reshaping the future of air travel in the region. As the industry awaits regulatory green lights, the question remains: Can this merger indeed create a dominant force in the skies?

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Pakistani Companies Eye Majority Stake in PIA

Abhishek Nayar

14 May 2024

Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), a symbol of the nation's aviation pride, is on the brink of a significant transformation as the government opens its doors to private investment. With ten Pakistani companies already expressing keen interest and foreign entities lurking in the wings, the privatization journey of PIA is poised to redefine the nation's aviation landscape.

The Pakistani Contenders and The Rise of Uprise Group

Fly Jinnah, AirSial, AirBlue, and others headline the list of domestic contenders vying for a substantial stake in PIA. These homegrown entities, backed by diverse expertise and resources, are gearing up to take the reins of one of Pakistan's most iconic institutions.

In a twist of fate, the Uprise Group, led by Tabassum "Tabz" Pardesi, emerges as a formidable contender. With a blend of local insight and international experience, Uprise Group's bid injects a fresh dynamic into the privatization narrative. Pardesi's stint as PIA's Director of Customer Services lends a unique perspective to their vision for the airline's future.

Foreign Interest Looms Large and Privatization Process Unfolds

While domestic players dominate the current narrative, foreign interest looms large on the horizon. Entities from Saudia Arabia, Qatar, UAE, and beyond are eyeing PIA with keen interest. Their participation underscores the global appeal and potential of Pakistan's aviation sector.

The Privatization Committee, spearheading the transition, has extended the expression of interest (EOI) deadline, signaling robust engagement in the privatization process. This move reflects the government's commitment to ensuring a transparent and competitive bidding environment.

Challenges, Opportunities and Conclusion

As the privatization saga unfolds, challenges and opportunities abound. From navigating regulatory frameworks to preserving PIA's legacy, stakeholders must tread carefully to chart a course towards sustainable growth and prosperity.

The privatization of PIA marks a pivotal moment in Pakistan's aviation history. With a diverse array of stakeholders vying for a stake in the airline's future, the skies are abuzz with anticipation. As the deadline looms, all eyes are on the Privatization Committee to steer PIA towards new horizons of success.

With Inputs from ch-aviation

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Can Thai Airways Soar Again? A Look at its Restructuring and Future Plans

Abhishek Nayar

14 May 2024

Thai Airways International (Thai) has been navigating turbulent skies since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. With the travel industry severely impacted, the Bangkok-based carrier found itself grappling with financial woes, leading to a restructuring process aimed at regaining stability and positioning itself for future growth.

Restructuring Journey and Financial Progress

Commencing in 2020 amidst the pandemic's peak, Thai Airways embarked on a comprehensive restructuring endeavor to address its mounting debts and operational challenges. Over the ensuing years, the airline undertook extensive reforms across its organization, with a primary focus on revitalizing its financial health.

Despite facing significant hurdles, Thai Airways reported a notable achievement with its first full-year net profit in 2023, marking a turnaround from previous losses. However, the first-quarter results of 2024 revealed a mixed picture, with the airline still in profit but experiencing an 80% drop compared to the same period in 2023.

Revenue, Passenger Growth, Operating Costs and Challenges

Amidst the challenges, Thai Airways witnessed promising signs of recovery. In Q1 2024, the airline recorded a year-on-year revenue increase of approximately 11%, driven by a 10% rise in passenger revenues. Passenger numbers surged by 10% as well, reflecting growing confidence in air travel.

While revenue saw an uptick, Thai Airways grappled with escalating operating costs, particularly in non-fuel-related expenditures, which surged by 33.7% compared to Q1 2023. Maintenance costs, especially for engine upkeep, posed a significant burden, alongside expenses related to integrating new aircraft into the fleet.

Fleet Expansion and Route Development

Despite financial pressures, Thai Airways remains committed to enhancing its fleet and expanding its route network. The addition of a Boeing 787-9 and three Airbus A350-900s in Q2 2024 is set to facilitate the launch of new long-haul routes to Europe, catering to destinations like Milan and Oslo from Bangkok.

Future Prospects and Conclusion

Looking ahead, Thai Airways aims to leverage its restructuring efforts and fleet expansion to regain a positive trading position in 2024. The recent order of 45 additional Boeing 787s, with options for more, underscores the airline's commitment to bolstering its regional and long-haul capabilities, positioning it for sustained growth in the years to come.

Thai Airways International's journey through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic underscores its resilience and determination to emerge stronger. With a strategic focus on restructuring, revenue growth, and fleet expansion, the airline aims to chart a course towards sustained profitability and renewed prominence in the global aviation landscape.

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JAL Soars with North American Expansion

Abhishek Nayar

14 May 2024

In the dynamic realm of aviation, Japan Airlines (JAL) stands out as a prominent player, continually innovating and adapting to meet the evolving needs of travelers. At the recent CAPA Airline Leader Summit Americas 2024, JAL's Regional Vice-President of Global Sales for the Americas, Steve Myer, shared insights into the carrier's strategies and successes, particularly focusing on its North American operations.

North America: A Key Hub for JAL's Success and Expansion Initiatives

Myer emphasized the pivotal role of North America in JAL's global strategy, highlighting its critical contribution to the airline's overall success. With ambitious plans for expansion, JAL is set to introduce new aircraft, including the Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 Dreamliner, further solidifying its presence in the region.

JAL's recent expansion endeavors in North America underscore its commitment to growth and innovation. The carrier has been strategically enhancing its services to key destinations, such as Vancouver, New York, and San Diego, while also introducing cutting-edge aircraft like the A350 to cater to the evolving demands of travelers.

Recent Changes in North American Operations

A glance at JAL's recent operational enhancements reveals a concerted effort to optimize efficiency and passenger experience. From leveraging advanced aircraft like the A350-1000XWB on routes like Tokyo Haneda-New York JFK to expanding services with the Boeing 787-9, JAL is leaving no stone unturned in its quest for excellence.

Navigating Business Travel Challenges and Divergent Corporate Recovery Trajectories

Despite the strides made in expanding its North American footprint, JAL acknowledges the lingering challenges posed by the pandemic, particularly in the realm of business travel. Factors such as foreign exchange rates continue to impact corporate demand, necessitating a nuanced approach to navigating market dynamics.

Myer highlighted the contrasting trajectories of corporate recovery between North America and Japan, emphasizing the need for tailored strategies to address regional nuances. While North America shows signs of rebounding, Japan's corporate travel sector lags behind, presenting unique challenges and opportunities for JAL.

Future Outlook and Strategic Investments

Looking ahead, JAL remains poised for growth, buoyed by strategic investments in next-generation aircraft and international expansion initiatives. With a keen focus on key regions like North America, Asia, and India, JAL is primed to capitalize on emerging opportunities and reinforce its position as a leader in the global aviation industry.


As Japan Airlines charts its course for the future, its unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation shines through. With North America emerging as a cornerstone of its global strategy, JAL is poised to unlock new horizons and redefine the skies for travelers worldwide.

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Has AIX Weathered the Storm of Cabin Crew Strikes?

Abhishek Nayar

14 May 2024

In recent days, Air India Express, the Tata Group-owned airline, has been grappling with a wave of disruptions caused by strikes among its cabin crew. However, amidst the turbulence, there are signs of hope as the airline moves towards restoring its operations and stabilizing its network.

Cabin Crew Strikes and Resolution on the Horizon

The trouble began when a section of cabin crew members went on strike, citing alleged mismanagement within the airline. This led to the cancellation of hundreds of flights, leaving passengers stranded and operations severely hampered. The situation escalated as the strike persisted, exacerbating the challenges faced by Air India Express.

After days of negotiation and conciliation efforts, a breakthrough finally emerged. A meeting convened by the chief labor commissioner saw representatives from both the airline and the Air India Express Employees Union coming to the table. Following this dialogue, the strike was called off, and the airline rescinded termination letters issued to 25 cabin crew members.

Recovery Efforts Underway and Challenges in the Path to Normalcy

With the strike officially over, Air India Express is now focused on getting back on track. According to official statements, the airline is gradually restoring its flights, albeit with some cancellations still in effect. The cabin crew union has emphasized that all members who had reported sick during the strike have returned to duty, signaling a collective effort to overcome the challenges faced.

Despite the positive developments, Air India Express continues to encounter obstacles on its path to full recovery. A glitch in the company's scheduling software has led to discrepancies in the reporting of staff availability, causing confusion among passengers and staff alike. However, efforts are underway to rectify this issue and streamline operations.

Looking Ahead and Conclusion

As the airline works towards stabilizing its network, there is cautious optimism that full normalcy will be restored in the coming days. The commitment shown by both the management and the cabin crew union to resolve the crisis is a promising sign for the future of Air India Express. With diligent efforts and effective communication, the airline aims to regain the trust of its passengers and resume its operations smoothly.

The recent challenges faced by Air India Express have tested the resilience of the airline and its workforce. However, through collaborative efforts and a commitment to finding solutions, progress is being made towards overcoming these obstacles. As the skies clear and operations stabilize, Air India Express stands ready to once again serve its passengers with efficiency and reliability.
